Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation
Welcome to The Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation, a non profit 501(c3) organization created to provide gun owners with valuable resources in a hostile political environment.
Just as the Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no compromise lobbying group, OFEF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court.
OFEF’s legal team is tough, committed and determined to protect the rights of gun owners wherever they are threatened.
OFEF takes on the fights others won’t touch. .
- When a Multnomah County Judge decided your handgun license could be revoked without your knowledge, OFEF fought back and won.
- When a Sheriff decided to make up his own rules concerning information on pistol license applications, OFEF took him on and won.
- When the City of Portland decreed that Concealed Handgun Licensees were not welcome at public events, OFEF was in court and continues to battle to keep the bureaucrats away from your rights.
- When the Oregon University System insisted on breaking the law and prohibited licensed carry on their campuses, we took them to court and won.
- OFEF provided the legal funding for the Medford teacher seeking the right to have a firearm for self-defense.
- OFEF contributed to Amicus Briefs in the Supreme Court case of Abramski vs US and the Appeals Court case Shew Vs Malloy (Governor of Connecticut)
- OFEF filed suit against Oregon’s gun ban, Mz 114 in Federal Court (Oregon Firearms Federation vs Kotek.)
- OFEF joined the state suit against Mz 114 (Arnold vs Kotek)
- OFEF joined the Federal suit against Oregon’s ban on privately made firearms. (HB 2005).
Supporters of the Oregon Firearms Federation can be proud of their legislative successes, but as long as there are government bureaucrats who think they’re above the law, legislative victories won’t be enough. For that, there’s OFEF.
Be a part of the fight. You can contribute at this link. (Please be sure to choose the Educational Foundation from the drop down menu.)
Your contributions to OFEF may be tax deductible, please consult your tax advisor.